thoughts at 3 am

1.  a little sister who shall remain nameless did not warn me severely enough about the insomnia that accompanies Aderall, especially if not taken early enough in the day.

2. after taking an Aderall, one can write 23 pages of social theory really quickly.

3.  however, when one writes a paper at 2 am one may forget to go back and include all the parenthetical citations before submitting the paper.

4.  it is very likely that social theory professors do not actually read social theory papers, so i am rather unconcerned about the lack of citations.  i may send an apologetic email and offer to edit in the citations – we’ll see how i feel about it in the morning.

5.  when a puppy is not played with for 9 hours while a paper is being written, he may retaliate by PEEING ALL OVER YOUR BED.

6.  in the previous sentence, the capital letters signify the enormous lake of urine my little dog is capable of producing.

7.  it should be noted that said puppy was taken outside every two or three hours to pee, and therefore should not have actually needed to urinate everywhere.  i am fairly certain said puppy was just being a little bastard.

8.  i have to get up and go to work in 3 hours.  it’s my last day at my okc store – my boss will almost certainly weep.  also:  there are rumors of the existence of a cake at work to commemorate eryn and me leaving the store. (eryn and i?  why is this stupid rule so hard for me to grasp?!?!)

9.  i move to denver in three days and i have yet to pack anything.

10.  in the next few days, between the packing and the taping and the box-labeling, i fully intend to type up a nifty little post processing the end of living in oklahoma.  when someone writes a biography about my life, i would like for the chapter about oklahoma to be called something like “i got a good education, but this state is fucking lame”.  feel free to use poetic license.

11.  did i mention that i can’t sleep?  or that my dog peed all over my bed and so eryn and i are both sleeping in the living room?  well, eryn is sleeping.  i am jittery and wide awake.

12.  does anyone know how to get dog pee out of a pillow or a mattress pad, both of which are not to be washed OR dry-cleaned?

3 comments so far

  1. Dalinda on

    Oh dear. Lilah peed on Randy’s side of our down comforter one time. I just dried it up a little and left it. Thought it served him right. Jerk. If you can’t wash your mattress pad….I would just throw it away! Surely you could take it out on the balcony and get it really wet – then let the sun dry it – providing you ever have sun again in OK. Also, did you see that Roy is having TWINS??? Crazy!

  2. ashleybeer on

    Oh god, you’re funny. I love #10, although you can be certain that I won’t be the one writing a book about you. Haha, I just read mom’s comment. That’s why I love her so much. She’s a pretty little mommy on the outside but has the potential to be a little sick and twisted. Can’t wait until you write Blogs about me… I think maybe I should stop reading it when you come to Colorado because you’ll probably be bitching about me. See you soon!

  3. Deb on

    I took three No-Doz (sp?) to stay up and study for exams my first semester of college. I was awake for 50 hours and, I believe, said some things that people from my floor whom I no longer remember are still talking about. Why can you not wash these things? You need Susie there. Susie will throw ANYTHING into a washing machine and hang it on the back deck to dry. And, how old is your puppy? He might need more than once every 2-3 hours at this point. (Eryn and me.)

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