six weeks and counting. . .

My last two customers at work each used two of  these phrases tonight:  “thank God Almighty you’re still open”, “praise the Lord Jesus”, “have a blessed night”, and “you’re doing the Lord’s work”.

I am constantly amazed by the people in Oklahoma.  I don’t care that they use rather religious language in everyday conversation.  I do care that they fully believe that the creator of the universe cares about their caffiene fix.  How presumptuous.  Sometimes I think Christianity is so popular because it gives people an inflated sense of self-esteem (and you should believe anything I say about self-esteem, since I’m writing a Master’s Thesis on the topic).  The idea that God cares about the car you drive and if your favorite pastry is sold out is so crazy to me – like God, if she cares about us at all, would care about these inconsequential things.  It seems like God would be much more concerned with the kind of tip you leave for a smiling, polite barista who’s putting herself through grad school.  If people buy into the idea that Jesus would have died on the cross even if it was only for your sins, no wonder they have a sense of entitlement.

Also:  I’m doing the Lord’s work by giving someone a discount they are entitled to, and just didn’t know about?  Gimme a break.

1 comment so far

  1. Deb on

    Have you seen Bill Maher’s documentary “Religulous”? We Net-Flixed it the other night. A definite MUST-SEE.

    The next time someone tells you “You’re doing the lord’s work,” I wish you would say, “Oh, thank you. My dark master will be so pleased.”

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